I spend a lot of time on the Ram Van. Whether coming from my internship, classes, or a night on the town, my rides on the Ram Van offer plenty of time to reflect upon what the hell just happened in Manhattan. Some of these stories, you just have to read to believe...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Attacked by a Dinosaur (and other short stories)

As I sit on this Ram Van, reflecting on my morning, I find myself caught in between amusement and an overwhelming sensation similar to PTSD. You might ask, "why?" Or you might ask, "should I call someone?" Or you might ask, "are you schizophrenic?" No, let me explain.
I intern at a popular morning show which films in midtown. It's a blast. I always have fun when I'm working, and I know I'm one of a very small percentage of the population who is fortunate enough to say that. So please, don't think that I'm complaining about my internship at all. I'm not. I love it.
But when you're attacked by a dinosaur at 9 in the morning, it's hard not be at least a little traumatized, you know?

On the show, the producers often book some surprises for the anchors. Jack Hanna and a baby snow leopard, or Oprah, for example. This week, however, they brought a life-sized incredibly realistic looking dinosaur that blinked and roared and ran around. Apparently some theme park in Australia is promoting the new dinosaur attractions they've invented. It was funny and surprising until it came over to me and invaded my personal space. (See photos below.)
Just so you know, I am not afraid of roller coasters. I am not afraid of spiders. I am not afraid of the deep end. I am however, afraid of life-sized dinosaurs that are either trying to cuddle or eat me. I'm still not sure which, on account of I was trying to survive instead of pondering the dinosaur's intentions toward me...
Anyway, that's my #RamVanRant for today. Never a dull moment, I suppose.

1 comment:

  1. That seems awesome and horrifying at the same time. Awesomely horrifying.
